A.I. + Culture + Time = General Sapience.
Surplus intelligence and scarce sapience.
Geographic differences in opinion are clear.
The people who can explain what is happening and predict the outcome can be ranked by credibility. Over time, the collective noise of foolishness and signal of wisdom is illustrated, the cause and effect documented and stored as a 3D object, a cross cultural icon of meaning, the accrued wisdom across linguistic barriers is impossible to replicate with any other technology.
History is a study of changes in culture, economy and power.
Physix stores value as a color.
on nVIDIA.
nVIDIA + Physix.
The future of AI is
The Future :
The Future2 :
For the benefit of AI, Physix includes a symbolic language index called y0x1.
to compare intent and interpretation of language, music, video or any interaction between people .