SapienGame is a simple introduction to Physix, a new mode of communication.

It’s a general template of how you feel about stuff.

Stuff you like is blueshifted, stuff you don’t is redshifted.

Blackshift and Whiteshift change according to what is being compared.

The shapes represent what you think, say and do.


Ideas, words and actions are color coded: bad is yellow, worst is red. Good is blue, best is purple.

White to black is the effect on one, the other, or both.

Used as an auxiliary to conversation, as opinions differ, so do colors or shades.

Problems are in the yellow and red zones, resolution in the green and blue.

only about whiteonly about black

Effect on white player


Effect on both players


Effect on Black player


Free to print:

Buy 3D version 1.0 here
Black and White: sphere, tetrahedron, cube: 1″
1 SapienBoard + 1 year of updates.